The Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) has set up an Aerospace Committee since 2019 to exchange views, identify show stoppers and propose ways to work further. Giving the fact that the Aerospace Industry has evolved and included more and more European actors, with Thai-European Business Association (TEBA), we agreed to bring the Committee to the European level and include all European companies working in Aerospace.
The European Aerospace Committee will be chaired by Mr. Pierre Jaffre.
The FTCC will be the focal point with the support of TEBA for all activities of the Committee. A quarterly meeting will be organized along with seminars and site visits.
We believe that the European Aerospace Committee – A Joint FTCC/TEBA Initiative will be an instrument to voice the needs of European Aerospace actors to Thai Authorities, with the support of European entities in Thailand. By leveraging our European network, we will reach our mutual goals at the end. TOGETHER WE CAN!