We are pleased to invite you to participate Introducing the Future Mobility White Paper, which will be held virtually on Tuesday 21st September 2021 at 11.00-12.00 hrs. (Thailand time) This virtual event will present TEBA vision for Thailand’s future mobility in view of European business, prioritizing Electrification & Emission and Connectivity & Urbanization. Moreover, honorable keynote speakers will share recommendations reflect through essential factors functioning as key tools to drive the adoption of electrification, keeping you up to date with industry developments and trends in the automotive market in Thailand. Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/intermach_introfuturemobility_inv03_21092021
TEBA in partnership with the Office of Commercial Affairs in Brussels, Ministry of Commerce and the Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels / Mission of Thailand to the EU, FratiniVergano, EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC) are pleased to invite you to participate in the virtual Business Roundtable on Sustainability in EU-Thailand Trade Relations Date: 29th September 2021 Time: 10.00-11.00 CET (15.00-16.00 Bangkok) Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkcOGprDkvGtHI-ewXNHN4LHTEaKz11eUa This Business Roundtable is a timely opportunity to discuss how Sustainability trends and the forthcoming EU legislation can be opportunities for Thai businesses to grow and boost their trade and investment relations with the EU. As a programme's partner, TEBA proudly introduce Mr. Stefan Heuer, President of TEBA and Vice President, Mobility Asia Pacific, TUV Rheinland (Thailand) Ltd. to share speech on Driving the Future Mobility in Thailand: European Business Perspectives. Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/bsrt_sustainabilityin_eu-thailand_traderelations_inv02_29092021