Events from April 4, 2019 – October 8, 2019 – Page 4 – Thai European Business Association
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ASEAN PPP Summit 2019

Bangkok Marriot Marquis Queen's park Bangkok Marriot Marquis Queen's park, Sukhumvit Soi 22, Bangkok, Klong Toey, Thailand

2019 Edition of the ASEAN PPP Summit The Public-Private Partnership Model and its Merits in Attracting Foreign Direct Investments Now in its second edition, the annual leading forum on infrastructure investment in Southeast Asia provides a high-level platform for sharing knowledge and fostering business opportunities in the ASEAN Region. The Summit sets the stage for informative keynote speeches and panel discussions on topics such as:• PPP policies and legal framework • Policies on foreign direct investment • Financial structures and credit enhancement • Arbitration in international project finance • Market entry strategies and bid management • Capital project management • Smart infrastructure for regional competitiveness Our distinguished speakers will be dignitaries and ministers of the host Government and of other ASEAN member states, as well as global business leaders. Members of TEBA and other Chambers are invited to join this event at member price! Check out full details of the event here For more information regarding the event or payment, email Click here to register Meeting Details Date: Thursday, April 4th, 2019 Time: 08.30am - 18.00pm Venue: Bangkok Marriot Marquis Queen's park, Sukhumvit Soi 22 Klong Ton, Klong Toey Klong Toey Bangkok, 10, 10110   Entry Fee:  THB 1,900 THB for members for TEBA members and other partner organizations THB 2,500 for non-members AGENDA Click here to register

TEBA & EABC Automotive Working Group 2/2019 meeting

Dear TEBA members and friends, This is an invitation for the 2nd Automotive Working Group Meeting of the year which will take place on June 4th, 2019 from 10.00 - 12.00hrs at  The Automotive Working Group meeting as usual will review the past Working Group minutes and the progress from then on in regards to past events and upcoming events. Topics that will be discussed will include our continuation of our Working group with the Dept. of Land Transport, the Thai Automotive Institute, and the Thai Industrial Standards Institute and many more. Please see below for the agenda details and for any questions regarding content, kindly email or call 083 592 5658 and for registration issues, email or call 092 249 8535. Click here to register! Details TEBA Automotive Working Group meeting Date:  Tuesday, June 4th, 2019 Time:  10.00 - 12.00hrs Location: TBA Agenda Review Meeting minutes of previous Automotive Committee meeting and interesting events last year. Report on our collaboration and dinner talks with the Pollution Control Department (PCD), Board of Investment (BOI), Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), and EVAT Other interesting stakeholders: FTA negotiations Customs Department Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Finance Excise Tax department Ministry of Transport Report on previous Industry Meetings Review upcoming events for the beginning of this quarter If you have any more questions or require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at Click here to register!

Monthly Multi-Chambers Networking Night by STCC

R Floor, Shama Lakeview Asoke, Sukhumvit Soi 16

The Singaporean Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with several chambers like BeluThai, EABC, Franco-Thai, Thai-Swedish, German-Thai, and Thai-European Business Association (TEBA) present “Multi Chambers Networking Night”, on Wednesday 18th September, 2019 from 18.30 - 21.00hrs at Shama Lakeview, Sukhumvit Soi 16 Members of TEBA and other Chambers are invited to join this event in order to have an opportunity of meeting new people in business networking, with quality food and beverages served! Price TEBA Members & other participating chambers: 400 THB Non-Members: 600 THB

Scaling Your SME

dtac, 38th floor Chamchuri Square.

4 MORE SPECIAL DAYS OFFER ONLY ON THIS INVITATION FROM THB 800 TO THB 500 !! We are pleased to be co-promoter and invite you to join “Scaling your SME” on Thursday, 26th September 2019 (15.00 – 19.30) at dtac, 38th floor Chamchuri Square. This event will focus on upscaling SMEs to new heights through a journey from small to mid-sized enterprises and further into becoming full-sized enterprises. The event will be opened by keynote speakers (Alexandra Reich, dtac CEO) followed by dtac SME offering and panel discussion by industry leaders in Jewelry, IT/Software, E-Commerce and Mobile Apps sector. Lots of examples will be shared by panel participants who have gone through the journeys themselves. This is a platform where SMEs and entrepreneur can engage with a panel of proven entrepreneurs who have scaled their start-up as well as a panel of experts who are ready to give the advice and tools to help SMEs succeed.</p> Please see further details: With high-profile speakers like dtac CEO, Alexandra Reich, several other leading business personalities as well as good collaboration from foreign chambers of commerce, we are expecting a numbers of SME participants in Thailand including leading companies from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Singapore and many more who have offices in Thailand to join this event. If have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at communications@thaieuro.bizas soon as possible and as always, thank you very much for your interest and we hope to see you there!

Exclusive Dinner Talk with Deputy Director-General of the DTN

The Grande Centre Point Hotel Terminal 21

Dearly distinguished TEBA members & friends, We welcome and invite you to an exclusive dinner talk with Ms. Kejpiroon Kohsuwan, Deputy Director - General of the Department of Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Commerce and other prominent high level guests on Tuesday 8th October, 2019 from 18.00 - 20.00 hrs. at Grande Centre Point Hotel Terminal 21 This dinner talk will expand upon the incredibly valuable insight of the Department of Trade Negotiations regarding an EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and their vision and future plans which would affect existing businesses and industries in Thailand. Highlighting the benefits to the European sector, giving participants discussion opportunities of the future EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement negotiations in the coming years, and giving a chance to voice their concerns and recommendations directly. Please see further details: If have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at as soon as possible and as always, thank you very much for your interest and we hope to see you there!