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Introducing the Future Mobility White Paper

We are pleased to invite you to participate Introducing the Future Mobility White Paper, which will be held virtually on Tuesday 21st September 2021 at 11.00-12.00 hrs. (Thailand time) This virtual event will present TEBA vision for Thailand’s future mobility in view of European business, prioritizing Electrification & Emission and Connectivity & Urbanization. Moreover, honorable keynote speakers will share recommendations reflect through essential factors functioning as key tools to drive the adoption of electrification, keeping you up to date with industry developments and trends in the automotive market in Thailand. Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/intermach_introfuturemobility_inv03_21092021

Business Roundtable on Sustainability in EU-Thailand Trade Relations

TEBA in partnership with the Office of Commercial Affairs in Brussels, Ministry of Commerce and the Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels / Mission of Thailand to the EU, FratiniVergano, EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC) are pleased to invite you to participate in the virtual Business Roundtable on Sustainability in EU-Thailand Trade Relations Date: 29th September 2021 Time: 10.00-11.00 CET (15.00-16.00 Bangkok) Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkcOGprDkvGtHI-ewXNHN4LHTEaKz11eUa This Business Roundtable is a timely opportunity to discuss how Sustainability trends and the forthcoming EU legislation can be opportunities for Thai businesses to grow and boost their trade and investment relations with the EU. As a programme's partner, TEBA proudly introduce Mr. Stefan Heuer, President of TEBA and Vice President, Mobility Asia Pacific, TUV Rheinland (Thailand) Ltd. to share speech on Driving the Future Mobility in Thailand: European Business Perspectives. Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/bsrt_sustainabilityin_eu-thailand_traderelations_inv02_29092021

Workshop on Responsible Business Conduct and Socially Responsible Labour Practices

We are pleased to invite you to participate the Workshop on Responsible Business Conduct and Socially Responsible Labour Practices, which will be held virtually on Thursday 7th October 2021 at 14.00-17.00 (UTC+7 Thailand time). This workshop, jointly organised by the Thai European Business Association (TEBA), the European Association for Business and Commerce (EABC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) (through the RSCA programme), aims at providing a platform for leading companies and suppliers in the automotive sector in Thailand to learn from the ILO specialists on topics such as Responsible Business Conduct and Occupational Safety and Health. In addition, this workshop will provide a dialogue platform for companies to share their experiences and best practices in the implementation of socially responsible business practices through their supply chains, in particular how they manage safe and healthy working conditions for their workers and employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/iloworkshopon_rbcprogramme_inv02_07102021

Lunch Talk on “Reopening Thailand: Main Targets and Ways to Achieve them”

Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) and Thai-European Business Association (TEBA), the European Aerospace Committee – a Joint FTCC/TEBA initiative are pleased to invite you to participate in Lunch Talk on “Reopening Thailand: Main Targets and Ways to Achieve them”, which will be held on Thursday 25th November 2021 from 12.00-14.30 hrs. at SO Bangkok. Event Details Date: Thursday 25th November 2021 Time: 12.00 - 14.30 hrs. Venue: SO Bangkok   Participation Fees: Member THB 1,500 Participating Chambers THB 1,500 Non-Member THB 1,800 Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/lunch-talk-on-reopening-thailand_25112021_inv07

Kick-off New TEBA Working Group “Digitalization”

TEBA proudly present kick-off Digitalization Working Group which will be held virtually on Date: Tuesday 30th November, 2021 Time: 15.00-17.00 hrs. (GMT+7) Channel: MS Teams Register: https://teba.wufoo.com/forms/zgim6i71xr25pv/ The kick-off "Digitalization Working Group" will be presented on Industry 4.0 challenges and opportunities, transition Readiness Checkup, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Solutions and Showcases, presented by experts from IntegrationWorks Asia and Fraunhofer, Germany. - Mr. Egils Rubenis, CEO IntegrationWorks Asia - Mr. Ralf Opierzynski, IntegrationWorks Asia - Mr. Sebastian Haeberer, Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg, Germany - Dr. Steffen Preissler, Deputy Director Fraunhofer IMW Leipzig, Germany, TEBA Digitalization Working Group chaired by Mr. Egils Rubenis welcome all to be a part of initiation, together we drive toward Industry 4.0

Webinar on Thailand & Sustainable Global Supply Chains

Thai-European Business Association (TEBA), FratiniVergano, EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC), in partnership with the Office of Commercial Affairs in Brussels, Ministry of Commerce and the Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels / Mission of Thailand to the EU are pleased to invite you to participate in the Webinar on Thailand & Sustainable Global Supply Chains, which will take place virtually on 9th December 2021, 10.00-11.30 CET (16.00-17.30 Bangkok), online via Zoom. This Thai Roundtable is a timely opportunity to understand more about sustainability initiatives in Thailand and how these build into more sustainable global supply chains. It will also reflect on Thailand’s commitment, and on-going initiatives, to reinforce cooperation with the EU on a rules-based international order and a more sustainable trade and investment environment in the context of the EU Indo-Pacific strategy. As a programme's partner, TEBA proudly introduce Mr. Tom Cachet, TEBA Supply Chain Management Chairman, Senior Manager/Tax & Legal - Global Trade Advisory, Deloitte Thailand to share speech on sustainable logistics and supply chain management session. More information: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/thailandsustainableglobalsupplychains_09122021_inv01 Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYoc-2prz8qHdTCYJa82Lv2rQh31abLrSYp

Kick-off “Supply Chain Management Committee”

Thai-European Business Association (TEBA) proudly present Kick-off New TEBA Working Group "Supply Chain Management Committee", which chaired and co-chaired by Mr. Tom Cachet, Senior Manager Tax & Legal, Global Trade Advisory, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Advisory Co,. Ltd. and Mr. Stefan van der Sluys, President / CEO, Best Global Logistics Co., Ltd. Date: Friday 25th March 2022 Time: 10.00-11.30 hrs. (Thailand Time) Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/kick-offsupplychainmanagement_inv02_25032022 Click here to register: https://teba.wufoo.com/forms/mksrmhd1u6vqk6/

Exclusive Dinner Talk: Future Investment Opportunity in Thailand

TEBA proudly present Exclusive Dinner Talk: Future Investment Opportunity in Thailand and Networking afterward, which will be held on: Date: Tuesday 29th March, 2022 Time: 16.30 - 20.00 hrs. Keynote: Dr. Luxmon Attapich, Advisor to President, Thailand Science Research and Innovation Topic: Future Investment Opportunity in Thailand Venue: Rembrandt Hotel & Suites Bangkok Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/exclusivedinnertalk_futureinvestment_inv02_29032022 Click here to register: https://teba.wufoo.com/forms/mvfjo8e12mf2ai/

Future Mobility Asia 2022


TEBA as an association partner was very honored to join in the opening ceremony of Future Mobility Asia Exhibition and Summit 2022 at BITEC organized by DMG Events. The exhibition covers a comprehensive showcase of the future clean mobility concepts, solutions, technologies, and innovations. We have visited TEBA Member’s booth, Schaeffler, there are several showcases of industrial and automotive products.

TEBA visited GTCC

German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) Office 14th Floor AIA Sathorn Tower, 11/1 S Sathon Rd, Yan Nawa, Sathon, Bangkok

TEBA would like to thanks Dr. Roland Wein, GTCC Executive Director and colleagues for the warm welcome and hospitality. We have fruitful discussion regarding the upcoming Automotive event “Towards an Electric Mobility Era in Thailand” on September 22nd, 2022. As well as the discussion with other TEBA Working Group/Committee. We are very excited and look forward to our collaboration.