Scaling Your SME
dtac, 38th floor Chamchuri Square.4 MORE SPECIAL DAYS OFFER ONLY ON THIS INVITATION FROM THB 800 TO THB 500 !! We are pleased to be co-promoter and invite you to join “Scaling your SME” on Thursday, 26th September 2019 (15.00 – 19.30) at dtac, 38th floor Chamchuri Square. This event will focus on upscaling SMEs to new heights through a journey from small to mid-sized enterprises and further into becoming full-sized enterprises. The event will be opened by keynote speakers (Alexandra Reich, dtac CEO) followed by dtac SME offering and panel discussion by industry leaders in Jewelry, IT/Software, E-Commerce and Mobile Apps sector. Lots of examples will be shared by panel participants who have gone through the journeys themselves. This is a platform where SMEs and entrepreneur can engage with a panel of proven entrepreneurs who have scaled their start-up as well as a panel of experts who are ready to give the advice and tools to help SMEs succeed.</p> Please see further details: With high-profile speakers like dtac CEO, Alexandra Reich, several other leading business personalities as well as good collaboration from foreign chambers of commerce, we are expecting a numbers of SME participants in Thailand including leading companies from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Singapore and many more who have offices in Thailand to join this event. If have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at communications@thaieuro.bizas soon as possible and as always, thank you very much for your interest and we hope to see you there!