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Webinar on Thailand & Sustainable Global Supply Chains

Thai-European Business Association (TEBA), FratiniVergano, EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC), in partnership with the Office of Commercial Affairs in Brussels, Ministry of Commerce and the Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels / Mission of Thailand to the EU are pleased to invite you to participate in the Webinar on Thailand & Sustainable Global Supply Chains, which will take place virtually on 9th December 2021, 10.00-11.30 CET (16.00-17.30 Bangkok), online via Zoom. This Thai Roundtable is a timely opportunity to understand more about sustainability initiatives in Thailand and how these build into more sustainable global supply chains. It will also reflect on Thailand’s commitment, and on-going initiatives, to reinforce cooperation with the EU on a rules-based international order and a more sustainable trade and investment environment in the context of the EU Indo-Pacific strategy. As a programme's partner, TEBA proudly introduce Mr. Tom Cachet, TEBA Supply Chain Management Chairman, Senior Manager/Tax & Legal - Global Trade Advisory, Deloitte Thailand to share speech on sustainable logistics and supply chain management session. More information: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/thailandsustainableglobalsupplychains_09122021_inv01 Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYoc-2prz8qHdTCYJa82Lv2rQh31abLrSYp