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Moving Forward the Aerospace Industry Workshop

Thai European Business Association

Thai-European Business Association (TEBA) along with WHA Industrial Development PLC, the Italian Aerospace Network (IAN), and the Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC) would like to invite you to attend a complimentary workshop "Moving Forward the Aerospace Industry". This will be held on Tuesday, 18th September 2018 at 12.30 - 17.00 hrs, at 2nd Floor Meeting Room, Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (Rayong). The workshop will be interesting to anyone in the Automotive OEMs, Tier 1/2/3, or Auto-parts industry as you will gain an overview of the Thai Aerospace industry and will get to network with companies who have already established themselves in the market. It will also be interesting for businesses that are looking to expand their capabilities for the Aerospace Business and Industry. Your kind confirmation on this workshop by Tuesday, 11th September 2018 is highly appreciated. We are looking forward to meeting you at the workshop event. Please see more information below for the detailed agenda and kindly let us know beforehand if you are not able to attend as the event has a limited capacity. Should you need more information, please contact Khun Bunthita, at 02 719 9555 Ext. 418 or email bunthitac@wha-group.com.