The Automotive Industry is undergoing a rapid transformation from conventional to
electric vehicles (EV), aiming to accelerate a global decarbonization. The shift in the transport sector relies on innovative and sustainable mobility offerings.
The first White Paper “Future of Mobilty in Thailand” version 2021/2022 initiated by
TEBA Automotive Working Group was outlining key regulations, policies, and initiatives from the public and private sector to enhance the aspired technological changes.
On this regard, the White Paper “Future of Mobility in Thailand” version 2024/2025
is elaborating on the latest developments in the automotive market, as well as assessing the latest regulations, policies, and initiatives in Thailand to further enhance a smooth transition towards future mobility in Thailand.
The key areas of White Paper version 2024 / 2025 have been defined as below:
- Electrification
- Aftermarket
- Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCEV)
- Readiness of Road Safety / Connectivity / Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS)
With due respect, TEBA Automotive Committee is continuously strengthening its
strong commitment to support the Thai Government Authorities inclusive improvement and accelerate as a pathway towards future collaboration with all key factors (government, industry, and consumer).