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An Internal Meeting with TISI

On August 10th, Thai-European Business Association held an internal meeting with the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI). Members of the TEBA had an open discussion and information sharing meeting with Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Thana Alapach of the TISI with main discussions focus on diesel sulfur content impact on Euro VI vehicles. The meeting was attended by companies such as BMW, Bosch, Continental, Michelin, Mercidedes Benz, Schaeffler and Umicore.

Questionnaire On Responsible Business In Automotive Industry & Suppliers

Dear TEBA & EABC Joint Automotive Working Group, We would like to share the questionnaire on responsible business, in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Association for Business and Commerce (EABC). The questionnaire objectives are to understand the level of knowledge and practices on responsible business, to assess awareness and implementation of  responsible business practices as well as to identify training needs of a particular target group. The information gathered from this questionnaire will be anonymized and remain strictly confidential. If you express your agreement to give visibility to the responsible labour and business practices implemented by your company, we would follow-up directly with you to define how best to highligh...

BCCT Webinar: Thai Economy in 2020 Given Many External and Domestic Challenges

On March 27th, Thai-European Business Association attended the Thai Economy in 2020 – Given Many External and Domestic Challenges organised by British Chamber of Commerce Thailand. The speaker at the webinar was Ms. Birgit Hansl, Country Manager for Thailand, East Asia and Pacific of The World Bank.

Covid-19 Impact Analysis

Dearly distinguished TEBA members & friends, Let us know what you have seen in your business, challenges you may be facing, and any positives that you would like to share. We would like to hear from you! If you have questions or difficulties with the link, please do not hesitate to contact us at communications@thaieuro.biz as soon as possible and as always, thank you in advance for your cooperation. For more details, Please click the link below:

New Challenges New Year 2020

On January 29th, Thai-European Business Association has successfully organized New Challenges New Year 2020 at Rembrandt Hotel & Suites, Bangkok It was a full house, over 30 participants, with an interesting presentation touching upon the investment attraction in EEC projects and infrastructure, economic forecast, EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Negotiations including the graduate jobs market in Thailand; and an invigorating Q&A session. This event provided useful information, thanks to our brilliant speaker, Mr. Prinn Panitchpakdi, Deputy Leader and Head of Economic Team, Democrat Party.

The 1st Automotive Working Group meeting

On Wednesday 29th, Thai-European Business Association (TEBA) and EABC – European Association for Business and Commerce held joint Automotive Working Group meeting 1/2020 at Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok. The meeting was attended by companies such as BMW, Bosch, Continental, Exyne, Mercedes Benz, P.C.S. Machine Group, Rotarex, TUV Rheinland, Umicore Autocat, Vriens & Partner and ZF Lemforder.

STCC Multi Chamber Networking Night

On January 23rd, Thai-European Business Association attended the Singapore-Thai Chamber of Commerce’s Multi Chamber Networking Night event at Pullman Bangkok King Power. It was extremely wonderful!

4th ARISE Plus Roundtable Discussion

On January 21st, Thai-European Business Association was invited in attended the 4th ARISE plus roundtable discussion on trade facilitation organised by ASEAN Regional Integration support by the EU ARISE Plus. Main speakers were: – Mr. Chris Humphrey, Executive Director of EU-ASEAN Business Council – Ms. Isabelle De Stobbeieir, Counsellor, Economic and Trade Section of EU Delegation – Ms. Kejpiroon Kohsuwan, Deputy Director General of Department of Trade Negotiations – Mr. Palo R. Vergano, ARISE plus key expert-trade facilitation and transparency who spoke about progressive operationalization of the ASEAN trade repository and the ASEAN solutions for investment, services and trade.

The 2020 Road Safety Campaign

On December 26th, 2019, the Thai-European Business Association had the pleasure of attending the Road Safety Booth Fair, organized by the Department of Land Transport (DLT). His Excellency Mr. Saksiam Chitchob, Minister of Transport has launched the Road Safety Campaign during the 2020 New Year Festival in an effort to lower the number of injuries, deaths and accidents on roads by trying to control factors causing road accidents.

Road Safety Campaign Press Event

On December 2nd, 2019 Thai-European Business Associaton was invited to attend the Road Safety Campaign Press event, organised by the Department of Land Transport. His Excellency Mr. Saksayam Chidchob, Minister of Transport, the Transport Company Limited, the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, the Thai Automotive Industry Association and the Thai Motorcycle Enterprise Association who spoke about Road Safety Campaign, directed at a specific target group of road users and reduced road traffic accident during the 2020 New Year Festival.