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[TEBA-FTCC: November 1st] Aerospace Headlines

Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/euroaero_eac_headlines_inv04_01112021

[TEBA-FTCC: October 19th] Aerospace Headlines

Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/euroaero_eac_headlines_inv02_19102021

1st meeting of the European Aerospace Committee (EAC)

On 11th October 2021, the Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) and Thai European Business Association (TEBA) jointly held the 1st meeting of the European Aerospace Committee (EAC). Welcomed by Patrice PISCHEDDA, FTCC Vice President and Stefan Heuer, TEBA President, the Committee is chaired by Pierre Jaffre and co-chaired by Stefan Molnar (MBA) with objectives to create a dynamic and interactive Europe-Thailand Aerospace Community and promote & facilitate Europe-Thailand Cooperation. Quarterly meetings, webinars, advocacy topics are on scheduled. Joining the European Aerospace Committee now by becoming FTCC and TEBA Members. Special offers and privileges are waiting for you!

[TEBA Past Webinar] Workshop on Responsible Business Conduct and Socially Responsible Labour Practices

On 7th October 2021, the International Labour Organization (ILO), through the Responsible Supply Chains in Asia” (RSCA) programme, Thai-European Business Association (TEBA) and partners jointly organized the workshop on Responsible Business Conduct and Socially Responsible Labour Practices Aim at providing a platform for leading companies and suppliers in the automotive sector in Thailand to learn from the keynote speakers and ILO specialists on topics Responsible Business Conduct / Corporate Social Responsibility speech by – Mr. Fredy Guayacan, Programme Manager, Responsible Supply Chains in Asia Programme, International Labour Organization – Dr. Ajaree Tavornmas, Senior Advisor, Thai-European Business Association Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) speech by – Dr...

[TEBA-FTCC] European Aerospace Headlines

Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/euroaero_eac_headlines_inv01_06102021

[TEBA Past Webinar] Business Roundtable on Sustainability in EU-Thailand Trade Relations

On September 29th 2021, Thai-European Business Association, FratiniVergano, EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC) in partnership with the Office of Commercial Affairs in Brussels, Ministry of Commerce and the Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels / Mission of Thailand to the EU, co-organised Business Roundtable on Sustainability in EU-Thailand Trade Relations. There were several professional speakers as follows: – H.E. Mr. Sek Wannamethee, Ambassador and Head of Mission of Thailand to the European Union, Royal Thai Embassy – Dr. Ajaree Tavornmas, Partner of Access-Europe and Senior Advisor – Mr. Stefan Heuer, President of TEBA and Vice President, Mobility Asia Pacific, TUV Rheinland – Mr. Dan Pathomvanich, CEO, NR Instant Produce Public Company Limited – Dr. Luxmon Atta...

Introducing SMART SMEs Working Group

TEBA is proudly to introduce new working group “SMART SMEs” Be Smart, Be Digital, Be TEBA SME Join us: https://mcusercontent.com/faa1912c8c3caf1a972da3703/files/71687262-d249-a14e-07a9-42a8f6a4b42e/Membership_Application_Form_SME.01.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3CeBNW0kIjP2jY_CcAVTAwWGVAfx75LdD54OZohvZq8SB8pvIAg7-sdcsMore info:https://mcusercontent.com/faa1912c8c3caf1a972da3703/files/c2c17860-907d-c9cc-0815-099bb4a5f718/Official_TEBA_Presentation_SEPTEMBER2021_RE04.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3cfRmcxrZbKIZnzHkG4sbKOWp0-B4-AhidfplZSstR6bI3EuynY6uaNFA

[TEBA News] Smart SMEs Headlines

Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/smartsmes_headlines_news01_23092021

Introducing Future Mobility Thailand White Paper

On 21st September 2021, Thai-European Business Association (TEBA) had successfully held the virtual event Introducing Future Mobility Thailand White Paper at Intermach 2021. More than 100 participants from several business sectors including local Thai producers, leading European automotive companies based in Thailand and suppliers attended this event. There were professional speakers to discuss on Electrification & Emission – Ms. Yuphin Boonsirichan, General Manager, Corporate&External Affairs Department, Mercedes-Benz (Thailand) Ltd. – Mr. Micah Shepard, President Automotive Aftermarket Asia-Pacific and President Region Southeast Asia/Pacific, Schaeffler Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. – Mr. Ron Sirivanasandha, Government and External Affairs, BMW Group (Tha...

Future Energy Asia 2021

On August 27th, TEBA Board of Director, Mr. Ron Sirivanasandha virtually delivered his speech on EV session: Developing Future Ready EV Infrastructure, Business Models and Partnerships at the Future Energy Asia 2021. Click the link to watch the full video: https://virtual.futureenergyasia.com/event/future-energy-asia-2021/planning/UGxhbm5pbmdfNjQ2NTY3

[Press Release] Socially Responsible Business Practices in the Automotive Sector in Asia

On 22 July 2021, Thai-European Business Association (TEBA), European Association for Business and Commerce (EABC) and International Labour Organization (ILO), through the support of the EU-funded “Responsible Supply Chains in Asia” (RSCA) programme, co-organised Business Roundtable on “Socially Responsible Business Practices in the Automotive Sector in Asia”. More than 40 participants from leading European automotive companies based in Thailand, suppliers, participants from other business sectors, as well as officials from the EU and ILO attended this event. This business roundtable was a successful platform for companies and suppliers in the automotive sector in Thailand to hear about the latest policy and regulatory trends on sustainable development, socially resp...

[TEBA Past Webinar] Socially Responsible Business Practices in the Automotive Sector in Asia

Please click the link below: https://mailchi.mp/thaieuro/webinarbizround_rsca_autoector_inv01-re22072021