Early Election Chaos A total of 440,000 people nationwide could not cast their advance votes on Sunday as a total of 89 constituencies out of 375 have been closed according to the Election Commission (EC).
The Industry Ministry has issued industrial manufacturing licenses to 5,222 operators in 2013. Permanent Secretary Witoon Simachokedee said that their total investment, excluding land cost, is Bt474 billion. The investment creates 173,085 new jobs. Download latest BOI investment statistics here.
TEBA invites Board of Trade and Board of Investment to present on how Thailand can become the gateway to ASEAN for European traders and investors. Download the presentation here.
On the occasion of the European Commission’s Vice President Antonio Tajani visiting Thailand as part of the Missions for Growth on 16th November, the Thai European Business Association (TEBA) held a special panel discussion and business matching program with around 60 European- and Thailand-based companies at the St. Regis Hotel in Bangkok.
Thailand and Europe Collaboration on Science, Technology and Innovation between Chulalongkorn University and TEBA
The local automotive market is expected to receive a shot in the arm next year after Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra dissolved the House and called a general election. “The elections will definitely spur demand for vehicles, particularly for pickup trucks and motorcycles,” said a source from the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).
The competition and declining use of traditional voice and text services will lead to lower margins for most Southeast Asian telecom firms next year, but data demand growth will generally outpace margin decline, so cash generated and credit metrics will be broadly stable or slightly improve, except in Thailand, where large investment will increase leverage, according to Fitch Ratings.
Our Breakfast Briefing on Thursday 12th of December with Dr. Somchai Harnhirun from the Office of Industrial Economics (OIE), Ministry of Industry gave us a great opportunity to find out what ‘Green’ means to European manufacturers and how Thailand’s policy can further it’s development as the Automotive hub of ASEAN.
EADS today presented a restructuring plan for its future Airbus Defence and Space Division (Airbus DS) to the European Works Council. This presentation follows a decision by the EADS Board of Directors in July this year to consolidate the defence and space businesses of the Group into one new Division and to rebrand EADS into “Airbus Group”.
Two of Eurocopter’s newest members in its twin-engine helicopter family – the next-generation EC175 and evolved EC145 T2 – are coming to Asia for a three-week demonstration tour with operators in the oil and gas, VIP, corporate, charter, military and law enforcement segments. During the December 2-19 tour, Malaysia and Thailand will be visited by the EC145 T2 and EC175, with Vietnam also on the EC175’s schedule. During the trip, Eurocopter will underscore the strategy of being in close proximity with its customers around the world, which is particularly important for the highly-demanding oil and gas sector.
Small businesses across the UK, Republic of Ireland, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Czech Republic have thrown off their austerity shackles and are forecasting growth over the next two years, a report has found.
Thai European Business Association (TEBA) initiated a special meeting at Chulalongkorn University’s Smart Mobility Research Center on the topic of developing the electric vehicle (EV) sector in Thailand. The meeting was comprised of a broad group of relevant stakeholders from the private and public sectors and academia.