The Board of Investment (BoI) has approved investment applications worth nearly 90 billion baht, mainly for companies making environmentally friendly cars or involved in renewable energy. Secretary-general Udom Wongviwatchai said the BoI approved investment applications worth 89.7 billion baht at Friday’s meeting chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha.
In the Brussels Press Club in Brussels, TEBA hosted an executive business discussion about developing political agendas, encouraging trade and investments and moving forward in business friendly directions.
Airbus has announced plans to open a new subsidiary in Thailand that will produce flight operations data for use by its airline customers worldwide.
On September 8th, TEBA facilitated a meeting between a delegation of TEBA members and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce allowing TEBA members to put forward their suggestions on reforms, impact of the ending of the GSP, customs issues, and other issues of importance to the automotive, aerospace and pharmaceutical sectors.
To help promote Thailand as a destination for European investors, the Thai-European Business Association (TEBA) has joined consultancy company Sanet to co-organise “Bayern Goes ASEAN” in the town of Regensburg, Germany.
To achieve the goal of Thailand becoming a global suppplier for the Automotive industry, Thai-European Business Association (TEBA) proposes a participation at IZB, The International Suppliers Fair.
The overall goal for Thai-European Business Dialogue (TEBD) is to promote trade and investment opportunities between the two regions. Each sector and country has specific needs that must be met in order for investors to realise their full potential.
In preparation for the fourth round of negotiations for the Thai-EU free-trade agreement that were held from 8th-10th April 2014, the Department of Trade Negotiations (DTN) held a stakeholder consultative session on 2nd April 2014.
On 27 August TEBA members became the first business delegation to meet with General Prayuth Chan-Ocha allowing TEBA’s member companies to directly put forward their recommendations for economic and business reforms to the new Prime Minister at a time when the government is considering nationwide reforms.
As a part of its aim to support the internationalisation of the Thai-European automotive industry, TEBA recently worked together with a number of its members to help arrange a special automotive technology business mission to Germany with a group of Thailand-based automotive parts suppliers
Chulalongkorn University’s Energy Research Institute will be presenting a research report to the Thai Ministry of Energy on proposals for Thailand’s future energy plan. TEBA recently helped organize a meeting with members of the private sector to present the researchers’ proposals and gather opinions on the plan for inclusion when it is submitted to the government. The presentation was carried out by Chulalongkorn University’s Dr. Weerin.
On 11 April, TEBA facilitated a group of its members to visit the Department of Foreign Trade (DFT) at the Ministry of Commerce to gain clarification of the issues surrounding the ATIGA (the ASEAN Trade in Good Agreement) and to present member thoughts on the way the policy is implemented.